Unequal Double Star Split Calculator - Chris Lord (1994) algorithm with Brian Tung continuous indexes modification

Chris Lord Algorithm Unequal Double Split Calculator

Aperture (mm): Magnitude of primary: Magnitude of secondary:
Obstruction percent: Seeing FWHM disk (arcsecs): lambda (nm):
Minimum TFOV separation to resolve: (arcseconds) during periods of stability in turbulent air

Calculator assumptions: Primary brighter than 9.0, the secondary is brighter than 13.0, the secondary is between 0 magnitudes and 7 magnitudes dimmer than the primary.

Table 1 - Antoniadi's 5 point seeing scale
ScaleDescriptionDisk diameter computed from D_mmDisk diameter for 8" (203mm) to 20" (508mm) scopes per the Canadian Weather Service Corresponding Lord's step
I Perfect steadiness; without a quiver. < 0.4"I<0.25 rho
II Slight undulating, with moments of calm lasting for several seconds. ~ 0.4-0.9" II>0.25 rho
III Moderate seeing, with larger air tremors. ~ 1.0-2.0" III<0.50 rho
IV Poor seeing, with constant troublesome undulations. ~ 3.0-4.0"IV<1.00 rho
V Very bad seeing, unsuitable for anything except possibly a very rough sketch.< 4"V> 1.50 rho

Source: Antoniadi scale wikipedia
Canadian Weather Service. http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/astro/seeing_e.html
Lord, C. Jan. 2008. Personal Communication.
Notes: Lord's seeing performance characteristic ( n_e * rho) is expressed as a radius. The third column above is twice that radius - a diameter - in order to be comparable to the Canadian Weather Service table.

Math Appendix

Chris Lord's algorithm is:

S = 1.033 * 10 ^ [ 1/n * ( Abs(delta mag) - 0.1 ) ] * rho

Although not explicited stated in Lord's 1994 paper, the following computational restrictions are added to this calculator for computational convenience and to assure valid results always are returned to the user:

Tung's proposal for continuous indices, implemented in this calculator, are:

nD = (2.4 - (D_mm/150)) {Eq. 1}

nE = (2.0 - (5*obstruction_fraction)) {Eq. 2}

nS = (2.3 - (8*FWHM*(D_mm/lambda_nm))) {Eq. 3}, where FWHM is in arcseconds and D_mm and lambda_nm their unadjusted values, not reduced to common units of meters


Lord, Chris. 1994. Nomogram for Telescopic Resolution of Unequal Binaries. Brayebrook Observatory. http://www.brayebrookobservatory.org/BrayObsWebSite/HOMEPAGE/BRAYOBS%20PUBLICATIONS.html

Lord, Chris. 1994. A Report on the Analysis of the Telescopic Resolution of Unequal Binaries. Brayebrook Observatory. http://www.brayebrookobservatory.org/BrayObsWebSite/BOOKS/TELESCOPIC%20RESOLUTION.pdf

Lord, Chris. Jan. 2008. Personal Communication.

Tung, Brian. 8/14/2006. Personal Communication

No copyright is asserted as to any material in this web document including embedded astronomy javascript functions.

Prepared K. Fisher fisherka@csolutions.net org. 7/2006 rev. 2/3/2008