Checklist for gathering image and ephemeris data for an SfS image A) Basic information on the image. Software: Notepad, Text File: "Image Data.txt" Who took the image. What was the feature imaged. Lunar lat and long. Where it was taken from. Earth lat and long., city name When it was taken. UTC Date and Time. Why: Purpose of the image. How was the image taken: Camera, telescope, focal length, exposure, etc. B) Obtain and makes notes of ephemeris data from LTVT or Jamieson's Lunar Observer Toolkit Image data: Resolution pixels/meter of the uncropped image. Gamma. Number of pixel rows in the cropped image. Number of pixel columns in the cropped image. Ephemeris data: Solar altitude and az on Moon when image was taken. observer's sub-Earth lunar latitude and longitude when the image was taken. Catalogue data: Feature coordinates Related UCLN control points near the feature. Feature surface composition. (False ratio Clementine image)